EN 17272:2020 is the new European test standard for automated airborne disinfection systems intended to provide a standardised challenge against which manufacturers can test their automated airborne disinfection process to claim defined antimicrobial activity. This paper discusses the background to the development of the standard and provides guidance on its application.
DownloadA Utah fire district faced challenges with the increased cleaning requirements brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The district was spending two to three hours disinfecting each vehicle with manual sprays, wipes, and mops. Faced with staff shortages and increased overtime costs, this impeded their ability to turnover vehicles quickly and safely. With all of this in mind, they sought an alternative solution. Using Ecolab's solution, the district was able to significantly reduce the vehicle downtime, placing vehicles back on the road and reducing the labor hours needed for manually cleaning each vehicle and minimizing associated overtime costs.
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In 2019, Bioquell, an Ecolab solution, was offered the opportunity to trial its latest development in automated room decontamination technology, the Bioquell ProteQ, at the world renowned St Thomas’ Hospital in London.
During the nine month trial, the Bioquell ProteQ performed over 460 room decontaminations faultlessly, and at one point the system was used non-stop over a 72 hour period to help combat an outbreak on the ICU. By providing 6-log decontamination cycles in patient rooms and larger critical areas like operating theatres, the Bioquell ProteQ played a key role in minimising the spread of healthcare acquired infections within the hospital.
An animal research facility at University College Cork Ireland required high-level decontamination to remove any potential bioburden from the two story facility after the refurbishment was completed, and before the facility was going live. The Bioquell Rapid Bio-Decontamination Service (RBDS) was chosen to perform a 6-log kill sporicidal reduction with hydrogen peroxide vapour decontamination of the entire facility including its dedicated HVAC system which took place overnight.
An industrial biotechnology company producing injectable vaccines in Denmark was looking to introduce more rigorous control measures to
ensure a high level of bio-decontamination in its facility. Commissioning Bioquell’s Rapid Bio-Decontamination Service (RBDS) team, approximately 4,500m3 was bio-decontaminated using hydrogen peroxide vapour within two days.
When a multinational biopharmaceutical company in Asia, was looking to introduce a rigorous plan to ensure high-level bio decontamination of their manufacturing facility in the event of contamination, they called on Bioquell. This study overviews how Bioquell’s Rapid Bio-Decontamination Service (RBDS) was able to produce a Priority Response Plan (PRP) that enabled swift mobilisation of RBDS personnel and equipment and reduced the risk of unforeseen challenges thus minimising downtime of the manufacturing facility.