Although Biological Indicators are commonly used as bio-decontamination indicators, there are several limitations associated with their use. Bioquell chemical indicators offer a solution to the limitations of BIs and are formulated and calibrated to a defined BI response to Bioquell hydrogen peroxide vapour technology, providing a visible colour change to indicate 6 log kill conditions have been met. With less variability and no wait time for results, Bioquell Room CI is a fast and effective indicator that improves risk management and reduces your operating costs.
With Bioquell Room CIs, a truly instant result can be obtained with no sample processing. The result on the Room CI card can be checked for 6 log kill conditions when the hydrogen peroxide vapour concentration has reached safe levels to enter room and retrieve the samples. Room CIs are also relatively inexpensive, making them cost-effective in comparison to other indicators out there.
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